
The Readable Programming Language

Technology Approach

Programming environment

A standalone Lisilogic programming environment allows tests and demos. It is programmed in Java.

A Lisilogic plugin for Eclipse is planned.

A Fully Structured Editor is also planned. This is another research project of Webware nach Maß.


Lisilogic code doesn't get translated directly to executable binaries, but to "low-level" languages like Java, PHP, JSP, etc..

The translator to PHP+MySQL is being implemented first, because PHP needs no compiler and allows immediate testing.
Java standalone (database system to be choosen, maybe JavaDB) and JSP (mit several database systems in option) come next.

In order to avoid version maintenance, licence fees and product conflicts, Lisilogic uses as few libraries and frameworks as possible.

Lisilogic is in English. Automatic translators towards other human languages are planned, along with the corresponding tools in the programming environment.